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The 10 most frequently asked questions to a custom home builder

· custom home builders
Custom Home Builder in Austin

Custom home builder companies: we see a van driving every day. But what exactly does a custom home builder do? Can I negotiate the quote price? And what is a normal percentage for the deposit? Readers of the Zbranek And Holt Custom Homes newsletter asked us their most important questions. We presented the 10 most frequently asked questions to custom home builders Austin.

Zbranek, can you explain exactly what a custom home builder does?

A custom home builder realizes, to put it very simply, the wishes and dreams of clients in the construction field.

Can I go to one custom home builder for everything related to new construction, renovation or remodeling?

Certainly, a custom home builder takes care of the entire construction project. Depending on the size and specialization of the construction company, a Austin custom home builder may call in external professionals, such as a roofer or plasterer.

How often do I speak to my custom home builder during construction or renovation?

During the so-called structural work phase, usually once every fourteen days, in the meantime you have some telephone and e-mail contact. In the finishing phase, details are very important, so it is best to meet weekly. Experience shows: the more contact you have, the lower the failure costs are.

For us custom home builders, it is extremely important to properly inform and communicate. Within my company, we also demand the same from new staff. We choose people with a good education and a positive attitude. They understand the processes better and can therefore explain exactly what is happening. As a construction worker you also have to be able to communicate better these days because people are much more assertive than twenty years ago.

Can I negotiate the quote price?

You can try that. But it is always a question of supply and demand. Currently, custom home builders' diaries are bulging and you won't get anything off them. It was different in the crisis years. Then you could get a few percent discount on the quotation price.

What is a normal percentage for the deposit?

Normally, 10 percent is at the start and 10 percent after completion, with a number of periods in between that depend on the size of the job. The usual payment term is 14 days. This schedule is advised by Zbranek And Holt Custom Homes.

I have a very tight schedule, but some materials can't be delivered on time. What now

Your custom home builder will first look for alternative materials. If these are not available, he will look for a temporary solution. If, for example, skylights cannot be supplied, he can ensure that the rest of the house is ready earlier so that you can still live there.

Will the construction project be delayed due to the lack of materials? In that case, if nothing else has been agreed, the penalty clause that is standard in contracts applies. This means that the custom home builder has to pay compensation for every day that he delivers late.

What if I am not satisfied with a custom home builder's completed work?

Then you should talk to your custom home builder. As a rule, a written delivery takes place. The client can then put on the delivery list what in his opinion is not right.

Does the custom home builder agree with the complaints? In that case, he will repair it free of charge. If he does not agree, you can engage an independent expert via Zbranek And Holt Custom Homes. If that also comes to nothing, it is the obvious choice to go to the Disputes Committee. But custom home builders will want to avoid that at all costs.

If a custom home builder causes damage to my home, who is responsible?

The custom home builder. He must compensate the damage, whether or not by calling on his insurance. Fortunately, it is not very common, but it can happen that a burn mark appears in the glass when sharpening. Or, and I think that's the most common form of damage, that there is water damage due to a hole in the tarpaulin. Unfortunately, an accident is just around the corner, even in construction.

Do all custom home builders have a diploma?

All Zbranek And Holt Custom Homes, custom home builders do. Unfortunately, a diploma is no longer compulsory in the United States, which impoverishes the profession. You regularly see Custom Home Builders Austin without a professional diploma who do not know exactly what they are doing. Think of self-employed people who neglect to have something calculated by a constructor. Or who put on a shoe one or two sizes too big, thinking that they can also do the work of a carpenter, plumber or electrician.

Obviously this comes at the expense of quality. Ultimately, the customer pays for this, because after six months, for example, he is left with a leaking bathroom.

What is the best thing to get for the coffee break when I have construction workers on the floor?

Nothing is obligatory, everything is allowed. Some clients treat them to something warm on Friday afternoon, such as a sausage roll. But they also love a good cup of coffee.