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7 dangers for the budget of your renovation

· renovation

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You want to draw up a realistic budget for your renovation. But, meanwhile, I hear stories everywhere from people who got into financial problems due to unexpected costs or could not carry out all parts of the renovation as planned. So how do you ensure that your budget is realistic, gives you the results you want, and covers unexpected costs?

In short: Include all aspects that can influence the budget of your renovation in the calculation. Before setting your budget, take a good look at the following:

The number of m2

A little bigger does not always have to be more expensive. The more materials you order, the higher the volume discount.

The materials

Ordering online yourself can save money. This way, you'll be able to compare several prices and providers and taking advantage of volume discounts. Always make sure that you make good agreements. For example, will the new toilet also be installed, or will you have to arrange for a plumber yourself? And what if the plumber drops the toilet bowl – who pays for the damage? 

The Contractor

Some contractors demand more than others due to their experience, the local market, and their level of education. Request several different quotes to get a realistic picture of your options. Cheap is not always better!

The help of a construction supervisor

This specialist ensures that you have everything in order and always receive honest information, and can help you with savings.

The execution and level of finish

Have a major influence on the final costs. For example, do you go for that natural stone countertop, or rather for the basic kitchen? Do you opt for steel exterior frames or wooden frames?

Labor costs

In addition to all material aspects, labor costs also play a major role. If you outsource the renovation, you must consider both the labor costs and the call-out costs – these differ per professional.

Unforeseen costs

There can always be unforeseen costs during a renovation. Make sure that about 5 percent of your budget is reserved for these unexpected costs.

Are you looking for more information about determining the budget? Contact award-winning custom home builder in Austin - Zbranek & Holt Custom Homes.